Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Ode to Chilean Salads

..yes, really, no sarcasm.

So, as mentioned in the last post, I am going vegetarian. 6 months of hearty meat and potatoes food has left me feeling like every blood cell in my body is running around with a backpack full of unneccesary building material, and I want out. This food is similar to what my German grandmother prefers, and in both her case and in Chile this diet derives from a farming lifestyle. As in, wake up before dawn, eat as much protein and carbs as possible, hit the fields and work non-stop until mid-afternoon, repeat meal, repeat labor, drop into bed and do it all over again.

When I was working as an apple-picker in New Zealand I had a similar lifestyle, which involved filling 4 or more 1000lb bins a day:

Not to mentiontion placing and climbing up a 12 foot ladder with an awkward load of 25lbs of apples.

Now, I couldn't afford a mountain of meat and potatoes at that point, but I did eat just about as much tuna fish and ramen noodles as I could get my hands I understand the protein and carb heavy diet.

These days, though, the most energy I expend at work is writing on a whiteboard and gesturing like a maniac. While tiring, this hardly constitutes manual labor.

As for the rest of the time, I do a lot of walking, sure, but I don't need a farmer's diet. Yesterday, I mentioned this to the host fam. Or rather, they thrust some chicken nuggets at me and I recoiled with my hand over my face squeaking, "No! No! No puedo! No mas!"

Today I came home with slow feet, heavy hearted, not looking forward to my plate of difficult digestion. When I walked in, host-dad was pointing at a covered plate with a sense of urgency. I sat down, lifted the plate and found....a gigantic, fresh salad.

Pure joy. I broke my fast and introduced nutrition back into my life.

The thing is, in the US a salad means a whole heap of lettuce with a couple of other veggies mixed in, then doused in some heavy dressing. I really don't like them that much, I must confess.

Now I realize that lettuce alone may have been keeping me off vegetarianism for years. What a worthless vegetable--no taste, hard to eat, fills up space. And yet I've gone along thinking it was the basis of any salad apart from the fabulous cucumber-and-tomato mediterranean salad. How wrong I was.

In Chile, a salad is a collection of sliced vegetables laid out in a nice spread on a plate. True, if you go to a restaurant that may be sliced vegetable, singular, such as only celery. However, in someone's home, you are likely to get a nice plate. This evening I was treated to half an avocado, a sliced beet, diced potato with oregano, half of a sliced tomato, some steamed broccoli, and a hard-boiled egg. For dressing, you squeeze a lemon over the top and add, as you wish, olive oil, vinegar, and salt. I generally go for just lemon and a bit of salt.

They may not like them as much as I do, or understand why I want to eat them so frequently, but when Chileans do salads they do them right.


Sara said...

Hmmm... going vegetarian in Chile. I was nearly vegan for a while, then I came here for the first time and it was so difficult that I couldn't be. The questions I got where usually?
1. Well you eat chicken right?
2. How about if we cut it up really small?
3. Are you on a diet?
I have been thinking about going veg again, just for health reasons, like you, but I'm not sure yet.

Douchebaguette said...

I ate lots of salads there. My host family thought it was cute I liked them so much. They also thought it was cute that I drank my orange-flavored water without sugar.

Meredith said...

Sara--I've already gotten questions 1 and 2 and it's...let's 1. I'm hoping that once I start cooking for myself the problem will go away--and I plan on being flexible when it comes to occasional invitations to other peoples' houses.

Erin--No extra sugar for your kool-aid?! Crazy!

Allison Azersky said...

I second everything you said. Lettuce is useless. Creamy dressings suck. In my opinion, a salad is about skipping right to the veggies.There will be lots of salads at our place... Chilean style.

Meredith said...

Allie--Sweet!! Curries Thai and Indian style....Salads Chilean style! International kitchen. Coming September 08.

Allison Azersky said...

9 days.....

Matt said...

I can't believe you're stealing my cook. You'll be taking my maid next, no doubt.

Unknown said...

I just arrived in Vina and I'm enjoying your posts. Hopefully it will help get me acclimated faster.

My company is working to produce biodiesel throughout South America and we decided Vina would make a nice headquarters. It reminds me of California, minus a few million people. The flip-flop of seasons should make for a nice seasonal dance for me, although neither winter is that bad. The other cold spot we frequent is Ghana, West Africa where my partner lives.

I grew up in Iowa, but spent 3 years in Allentown, PA before heading to CA. I'll read more to see what else we might converse about.
