That's me. And that's what I hope will be my new vocabulary/ability to speak in multiple tenses.
At the moment I am drowning in a sea of grammar. I have spent the whole week typing grammar exercises for my students. It is surprisingly difficult. Try thinking of 20 sentences that use "to be" when you only have perhaps a 20 noun, 5 adjective vocabulary to work with. Tricky.
We are....hmmm.....cousins.
They are.....ummm......brothers.
He brother.
And then over again for such discrete points of grammar as indefinite v. definite article, questions with "to be," answers with "to be" was quite the task. Now I'm onto Unit 2, which is super fun, being all about prepositions.
Prepositions are like sand flies. Small, annoying, and no matter how long they're around you never quite get used to them....
Anyway all this has left less time than preferable for my own battle with prepositions. Luckily the family I live with and the profes I work with keep me talking, and my little lists are proving surprisingly helpful. "Hmm, what was that word...I was looking at it this morning while I was putting on my scarf.....casi! Yes!"
1 comment:
Hi, Meredith. We are impressed with your grammar chart! This is reminding Dad of all the stickers you put on the kitchen cabinets and household items to remind you of their Spanish names! :-)
Grandmom and Dad
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