Thursday, April 24, 2008

We interupt our regularly scheduled cultural observations to bring you: Self indulgence: Things I Miss: A Photo Essay

With apologies to my friends for using their photos. Things that I miss right now, in a scientifically generated random order.

1. Hanna Haidar

2. Philip Maret

3. All Good music festival and all that that entails

4. Caroline Lang

5. Talking and drinking beer and smoking cigarettes with my friends in Angers (here represented by the back of Cailinn's head, and the wall of my kitchen)

6. Pelicans in San Diego

7. Newtonville Books, and getting paid to hang out there

8. My parent's house

9. Franz Josef Glacier

10. Karen Hutcheson a.k.a. mommy

11. Hanna Haidar

12. The pretty table I painted only to put in my parents' basement

13. Falafel (and let it also be understood: curry. gyoza. tajines. mexican. hummus. chicken kelaguin. lamb vindaloo. SPICES.) (& Philip Maret)

14. Maria Florencia Aldatz & other NZ-aquired friends

15. Hanna Haidar

16. Joseph Hutcheson, a.k.a. daddy, here pictured during his own gringo adventures

17. Berry Breene

18. The roof deck in Taghazoute

19. Emily Brown

20. Pennsylvania landscapes

21. Working in the Marais

22. Living in this bach

23. Living in the apartment in Ocean Beach

24. Sam Breene


26. Communication.

besos besos and bisoux, all of my missing things, M

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