Monday, June 2, 2008

My weekend: a photo essay

To begin I offer you a picture that is semi-irrelevant other than being something that I witnessed this weekend and loved:

I don't know. The rain, the flowers, the buses coming and going. It got me a bit.

Returning, though, to my subject. This weekend I was far more out and about than has come to be my habit. I have suddenly started meeting people in Chile, which is good news. The bad news is that after several months of quiet I am not quite accustomed to having an actual social calendar. At the moment I am in desperate need of an apartment that belongs to me and has no one else in it. Maybe in January. Ah well. Never being alone gets normal after awhile, but I find that it has the odd effect of making me lonelier. That and it also occasionally causes me to come out with bursts of irritation that have nothing to do with the particular person or moment. Word to the wise.

In any event, this is a tangent. This weekend I was all about company, as shall be reenacted by these little fellows that I noticed in the dining room the other day:

ParTAY. Much to the delight of my host family, particularly the father. He is constantly asking me if I am going to parties and this weekend he was particularly pleased with me. He was a bit let down that I did not go dancing, however. I manage though. As the following evidence shows, I completely ruined my sleep schedule:

One should never be witness to the flower clock telling you such a time. It is just not the place to be. The place to be is either: A. Asleep in bed or B. At a party or a club. I will go ahead and call myself foolish for being out in the cold at a clock made out of flowers at a time on Friday morning which ought to be "waking up to be a responsible adult time."

Much of the same intervened. I did speak a lot of Spanish, so that is a good thing. I also was fed delicious food by New Friends/Business Network Allie and Julie, as well as experiencing a Hot Toddy for the first time. On Sunday morning Valpo had lost its head to the fog:

And this morning I was back at it, explaining to my students the dangers of the world:


Mike said...

I would say A, I've never seen anything good happen that late, creatures of the night are usually out...looking for easy prey...JMHO

Leumas said...

Menos mal que en Chile el agua del mar es tan helada, que no hay tiburones.
lero lero!!