Friday, June 6, 2008

A Riddle

People in Chile often go in for trends that are incredibly distinct and defined....far more so than the hipsters and punks and hippies of my home (or perhaps its just that there are so many categories here). At some point I will discuss pokemonos.

However. Comments on my man-rant post got me thinking about a certain group, the pelolais girls. Literally, "straight hair." The look and the definition go along with a certain high maintenance, moneyed, manicured style. The reason for the name is that, since wavy and curly hair tends to be more common here, the pelolais girls have to put in the effort of straightening their hair in order to get the right look. So their hair shows the amount of time they spend on their looks and hence is an appropriate signifier for the entire pelolais ethos.

Ok. Now, my hair is straight. Friends will sometimes tease me by calling me pelolais. I have also had people yell (or hiss) ¡pelolais! at me in the street (but no more rants this week). So here is my riddle:

Since my hair is already straight, doesn't the fact that I go about with it hanging down straight mean that I cannot be part of the "straight hair" group? In order to be pelolais, I would have to put a lot more effort into my appearance. And so, I ask, if a straight haired girl wants to join the straight hair trend......does she need to curl her hair?


Mike said...

..."does she need to curl her hair"? Definitely not...just put more effort into your appearance...And you'll be hot, hot, hot...Maybe

Real Chile said...

My understanding is that pelolais also tend to be cuicas or rich women. So you probably get called pelolais because if they don't think you're a foriegner they probably think you're a cuica. Glad to hear that you feel your Spanish is improving.