Friday, July 18, 2008

Language barrier: a two-way street

Tomorrow, unless I get stood up (a rather common occurence when befriending Chileans, unfortunately), I am meant to go hiking at a national park a bit east of the city.

I was curious about what I'm in for, since the only hiking I've done recently is up the hill to my house, and all in all I've been pretty much a computer-bound, workaholic slug as of late.

I browsed a bunch of websites that seem to agree that I'm in trouble, as this is an actual mountain of sorts that I'm dealing with. However, I found one description of the park that had this excellent itemization of possible activities:

Hiking, high mountain tours, climbing, picnic, photography, bird watch, flora and fauna contemplation.

So, maybe I'll let my compañero do the high mountain tour while I stay at the bottom for a bit of flora and fauna contemplation.


Unknown said...

Sounds fun. If it's a day trip, maybe a little adventure for Mom and me when we visit.

doppelganger said...

you can add your identical twin uncle to your list of adoring fans