Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sign Language

There are two semi-new poster campaigns around town. This one is intriguing:

("What matters to you?") I don't know what this is about, yet, but I'll be keeping my eyes open.

And this one is an anti-domestic violence campaign and is just fabulous:

("Caution! Male chauvinism kills!")

Unfortunately domestic violence is still semi-tolerated in Chile, from what people tell me. Mariticide is certainly very common in the news; this of course is also true in the states, as sensational crimes sell papers. So I have nothing but word of mouth to back this up....perhaps I'll get some after I take a closer look at this campaign.

In an absoluely unrelated matter that is not meant in the least to trivialize the subject, while double-checking the word "matricide" just now I discovered the following interesting vocabulary words:

muscacide: killing of flies

perdricide: killing of partridges

Who knew?

In a more sign-related point, last week I was walking to work a bit late and so I reached a certain point on Avenida Errazuriz at, let's say, 8:02 am. Normally I would be hitting this site at perhaps 7:57 am, to use a nice round number. Because of my delay, I had a most incredible discovery:

I cannot entirely describe just why this was so wonderful to me. I have a bit of a thing for bus signs--as you may know, I often ride buses just based on a particularly intriguing sign. And so, sleepy, late, running, I discovered this absolutely tiny closet, The Place Where The Bus Signs Come From. I've been walking past it every day without even knowing there was a store there, because it was always shuttered....until 8am, opening time. Absolute magic.


Unknown said...

Maybe that's why street signs are so bad in Massachusetts. The sign store is too hidden for them to find it!

cavils in chile said...

wow! i had a really different interpretation of the "Y a ti qué te importa?" sign -- when i saw it i didn't even consider that it could be something other than a hostile "what does it matter to you?" [like, 'stop looking at me! leave me alone!]
probably has something to do with my bad mood that day.
this is kacy by the way :)
i forgot to mention i have a tiny blog

Russell said...

This isn't really a comment (I couldn't find an email address on here) I'm moving to Valpo in a few days to do ESL and I was looking for people to meet who are in my same position. My name is Russell and my email is

Douchebaguette said...

ACK! All those names of places not going anywhere. That's kind of a trip.
Yeah, my trip was rather short. Flew by for me too.
It was good to meet you!
It was lovely going out to drink cheap strawberry blended jug wine with you. If ever you find yourself in Utah for some godforsaken reason, mi casa es su casa.

Douchebaguette said...

Russell: hang around the Catolica, there is a constant stream of gringos to chat with and/or party with.

Douchebaguette said...

Gah. Meredith, add me on facebook chaney.erin at gmail. I can't find you.

Real Chile said...

That sign store is awesome. What part of Errazuriz is it on?

As far as domestic violence goes, I do not have a copy of the study but when researchers first started looking into domestic violence in Chile it was so bad they could not find a family in which domestic violence was not the norm. Some might argue that is because they used the US definition of domestic violence, but anyway, where is the bus sign store?

Meredith said...


If you remember where you read that study let me know, I'd love to check it out.

The sign store is about two blocks down from Aduana. I am so buying my own sign as soon as possible. I think I want "Estacion Limache."

Russell said...

is that the same Berkeley I was playing frisbee with this weekend?